
墨尔本西区Altona炼油厂储罐泄漏 幸未污染环境

A petrol leak at an oil refinery near Melbourne wetlands has revived calls for greater controls over large industries in the city's west.The EPA says up to 30,000 litres of petrol leaked from a 10 million litre-capacity tank at the Mobil refinery in Altona, in Melbourne's west on Tuesday morning.

据2010年2月9日《The Age》报道,墨尔本西区Altona一座Mobil炼油厂内发生储油罐泄漏事件,一个装有350万升汽油的庞大储油罐漏油星期一深夜开始发生漏油。


Problems like Tuesday's leak were isolated, he said.

He said many western suburbs residents worked at these large industries and understood their importance to the financial wellbeing of the state.

"They have every right to expect proper environmental standards and that's what we'll do our best to ensure is provided for this facility and others in the western suburbs," he said.

