联邦财长表示,由于工薪家庭(working families)目前的纳税款项已经比霍华德时期少了近4000澳元,因此今年五月出炉的联邦财政预算案中这个阶层的人将得不到税款减免。
据悉,5月11 日将公布的财政预算案将扭转10余年来预算案的重心,将个人税收优惠和家庭福利的重点移至基础设施的开支上。
When not working 16-hour days, Dr Chang (pictured) is either studying or doing research in psychiatry to provide better treatment and outcomes. She has also been a medical volunteer in developing countries, a Fred Hollows Foundation ambassador and acted as the Australian representative for UNESCO.Now, she can add CAIRNSEYE Woman to Watch to her growing list of accolades.Winners of the innovative new program are announced in this month’s edition of CAIRNSEYE, inside today’s The Cairns Post.CAIRNSEYE editor Joeleen Bettini said inspiring young women such as Dr Chang were precisely the kind of talent the magazine was hoping to uncover when it launched the competition for the first time this year.“It was our aim to discover inspirational young women who have not necessarily been brought to the public’s attention but are, nonetheless, doing amazing things within the community and abroad,” Ms Bettini said. Other winners include Maddison Carter for sport (top left), Elisha Oatley for creative (bottom left), plus Krystle Tokunai for business and Laney McLaren in the public sector division.“All of our winners are amazing young women who deserve recognition for their dedication to their fields and to improving the lives of others,” Ms Bettini said.Each of the five categories – sport, science, creative, business and public sector – produced some outstanding nominees and a wealth of untapped talent here in Cairns.“Each and every one of our entrants deserves to be recognised for the tireless work they are doing,” Ms Bettini said.“As with any competition, though, there can be only one winner in each category and we think readers will agree our five wonderful victors are worthy of the title. These are the future leaders of Cairns.”
Frenchman Eric Bougeois, his English wife Janet and their two children were motivated by similar lifestyle factors when they chose to settle in Melbourne after Mr Bougeois made a brief work trip to Victoria in 2003."Melbourne was easier in terms of transport. In Sydney there's more traffic and it's a bit more stressful," he said last night from his home at Camberwell in the city's east."Melbourne is a very diversified city; there's a lot of culture, there's always something going on."Mr Bougeois said Melbourne's rich dining culture clinched the deal for him. "I'm French - I love good wine and good food."