这个广告牌上写着:“Perfect located one of the famous street in Balwyn, school zone of Balwyn high second colloge.
It is only walking minutes to shopping mall, 109tram and the Eastern Freeway.
The house features with classical style, stable construction; offers 3 generous size bed rooms
with built in wardrobes, plus study space. Two townhouse permit!”
根据那位语法控的修改,第一句中的perfect应为perfectly;famous前应加most;street应为得数形式;second college应为School。第二句中的shopping mall应改为the shopping centre。第四句中的“with classical style”应删掉with。
而那位怒不可遏的语法控不仅一一标出了中介的语法错误,甚至指出这处房产并不像广告中所称的,毗邻Eastern Fwy。此人最后写了一条批评:“D+。介绍得不错。下一次请多花点时间校对一下!”