
悉尼今天气温高达35度 比往年平均高10度

Only a late sea breeze will save Sydneysiders from a scorching day today, with temperatures expected to hit 10 degrees above the average maximum temperature for this time of year.




The girl weighed just 9kg when she died.










X-ray vision … an image from the scanner.



The Surf Chair makes every internet swell a lot more enjoyable. The monitor on the Surf Chair, while not the largest in the world, is suspended in front of the user and can be adjusted to suit your viewing angle. So far it is only a concept.

2008年10月2日《The Age》报道,最新出炉的《2008澳洲快乐指数》显示,性和上网是让澳洲男性感到最快乐的事情,而让澳洲女性感到最快乐的则是和朋友聚餐或豢养宠物。





Other interesting ‘battle of the sex’ comparisons include:
48% of women said reading a good book made them happy, whereas only 30% of men could say the same.

Comfort food made 41% of women happy, whereas it accounted for 33% of men.

36% of women claimed buying gifts made them happy, compared with 19% of men
Drinking with friends was chosen by 36% of men compared with 28% of women

38% of men claim watching competitive sport contributed to their happiness, whereas only 17% of women said the same.




2008-09-30 15:31 环球华报

加拿大联邦自由党周二在选战中向保守党阵营投下一颗重磅炸弹。自由党指,联邦总理哈珀在2003年的一次演讲是剽窃澳大利亚前总理霍华德的讲稿。自由党召 开相关新闻发布会之后,保守党的一名竞选工作人员随即辞职。虽然是陈年旧事,但此番自由党用来大做文章,对保守党打击可能非同寻常。

辞职的保守党工作人员名叫李波特(Owen Lippert)。他在周二给媒体的一封公开信中说,2003年他在反对党领袖办公室工作,主要负责撰写演讲稿。受到时间压力,不得已“复制”了其它国家 领导人的讲话片段。李波特表示,他的上司和当时的反对党党领(哈珀)对他所做所为并不知情。

哈珀2003年是加拿大人联盟党(Canadian Alliance)的领袖。后该党并入保守党,哈珀成为保守党领袖,并在2006年赢得联邦大选,成为加拿大总理。

李波特2008年起担任加拿大国际开发署(Canadian International Development Agency)的高级政策顾问,也为保守党竞选效力。他向所有因此事被牵连的人士道歉。

在李波特辞职前数小时,联邦自由党国会议员侯选人李博(Bob Rae)召开新闻发布会,指责哈珀抄袭近半霍华德讲话。哈珀那次讲话的时间是在2003年3月20日——美军开始轰炸巴格达的第一天。




李博现任联邦自由党的外交事务评论员。他指此次演讲抄袭事件充分显示,哈珀的外交政策和观点值得怀疑。“在如此重要的议题上,在面对世界的舞台上,此人 (哈珀)只是鹦鹉学舌,窃取他人意见。”李博表示。“在法律界、新闻界、政界,如果不能用自己真诚的声音说话,我们到底算什么?”





The crash scene in Southbank.

2008年10月2日《The Age》报道,昨天凌晨在墨尔本Southbank一个酒店门口,一名持学习驾照的年轻司机醉酒驾驶,车辆失去控制撞死正在过人行道的20岁昆州Griffth大学学生运动健将Clancy Coker。

这名L牌司机名叫Puneet Puneet,今年19岁,18个月前持学生签证从印度来澳洲留学。当时在60公里限速的马路上以每小时150公里的速度狂奔,继而失控,并被测出其酒精浓度为.165。


2008年10月1日《Herald Sun》报道,澳洲统计局2001~2006的人口普查数据显示,墨尔本内城区正经历急剧的人口变迁,有7000人新迁入市中心,而同期只有2000人迁走。其中海外出生的留学生占很大的比重。

Racism robs refugee rights

Racism robs refugee rights

A year since the death of Liep Gony, racism still plagues the African community. Picture: Mark Stewart.

GREATER Dandenong’s African community is being deprived of jobs and housing because of racism in the area.

The reality facing many refugees was raised during a community meeting last week.

Sudanese leader Bang Nguoth, who spoke at the meeting, said the rental property market was tough.

“I know many people who have lodged an application with agents and were told the place has been taken, but a few weeks later it is still being advertised in the paper,” Mr Nguoth told the Leader.

“When it is something like yelling things at you on the street it hurts, but you can live with it. This is basic shelter we are talking about.”

Springvale Monash Legal Service director Helen Yandell said the service had received “numerous” complaints of this nature.

The problem comes 12 months after the death of Noble Park teen Liep Gony sent shockwaves around the nation.

His death highlighted racial tensions in the city.

The Sudanese refugee died outside Noble Park train station on September 28.

Two men are waiting trial in the Supreme Court charged with his murder.

On the first anniversary of his death, police say Noble Park’s streets are safer and views towards the African community are improving, but refugees and migrants still face racism in their everyday lives.

Equal Opportunity Human Rights Commission chief executive Helen Szoke said today’s prejudice was much more insidious than name-calling.

“The anti-discrimination law is there to protect you, but if you don’t even get to the interview process it’s very hard to say you’ve been discriminated against,” Dr Szoke told the meeting.

She agreed these issues revealed gaps in anti-discrimination laws that needed to be addressed.

Region 5 multicultural liaison unit officer Joey Herrech said racial attitudes on the street level had improved since last year.


2008年10月1日《悉尼晨锋报》报道,一项电视观众调查显示,北京奥运会期间,澳航Qantas著名的“华尔兹”广告曲《Still Call Australia Home》当选为最让澳洲印象深刻的广告。其余特别两个针对北京奥运制作的广告分别是联想Lenovo以及麦当劳。

I've been to cities that never close down
From New York to Rio and old London town

But no matter how far
Or how wide I roam I still call Australia home.

I'm always travelin'
And I love bein' free
So I keep leavin' the sun and the sea
But my heart lies waiting over the foam
I still call Australia home.

All the sons and daughters spinning 'round the world
Away from their families and friends
Ah, but as the world gets older and colder
It's good to know where your journey ends.

And someday we'll all be together once more
When all the ships come back to the shore
Then I realize something I've always known
I still call Australia home.

No matter how far
Or how wide I roam
I still call Australia home.