

The Surf Chair makes every internet swell a lot more enjoyable. The monitor on the Surf Chair, while not the largest in the world, is suspended in front of the user and can be adjusted to suit your viewing angle. So far it is only a concept.

2008年10月2日《The Age》报道,最新出炉的《2008澳洲快乐指数》显示,性和上网是让澳洲男性感到最快乐的事情,而让澳洲女性感到最快乐的则是和朋友聚餐或豢养宠物。





Other interesting ‘battle of the sex’ comparisons include:
48% of women said reading a good book made them happy, whereas only 30% of men could say the same.

Comfort food made 41% of women happy, whereas it accounted for 33% of men.

36% of women claimed buying gifts made them happy, compared with 19% of men
Drinking with friends was chosen by 36% of men compared with 28% of women

38% of men claim watching competitive sport contributed to their happiness, whereas only 17% of women said the same.
