



As a result Merrills said " We forecast total price declines of 10% (including the ~3% declines to date) over the next two years followed by 3-5 years of relatively flat growth (~CPI) while unemployment stabilises. We forecast volume declines of 10% in 2009.
这还是比较温和的预测。最极端的要数西悉尼大学的Steve Keen教授,他预测未来数年澳洲房价将下跌40%,大摩(Morgan Stanley)分析师Gerard Minack今年三月更表示澳洲房价将暴跌50%!

但也在今天,ANZ的首席经济学家Saul Eslake在他的一份研究报告中表示,澳洲房价不太可能大跌。简单地拿美国和英国的房市危机和澳洲做类比是不恰当的,因为澳洲和美国房贷市场有着根本的区别。

Eslake pointed out that despite these similarities, there are crucial differences between the Australian and American housing and mortgage markets.

"Australia does not have a physical excess supply of housing. America does, because unlike us, it actually built more new dwellings than it required to meet growth in underlying demand," he said. "In Australia, the reverse has happened; we haven't built enough dwellings to meet underlying demand, which has been pushed up by rising levels of immigration."

As a result, Eslake said that there is now a significant backlog of unmet underlying demand for housing.

"Australia also doesn't have a huge supply of existing dwellings for sale at any price hanging over the market because of the huge increase in foreclosures that has been the primary source of downward pressure on American house prices.

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