

2008年5月25日《The Age》报道,象Photoshop之类的现代电脑技术可以很好地修饰图片,例如这张刊登在《Vogue》杂志上的封面照片。陆克文总理的双下巴不见了,眉宇间变得清爽,脖子上的皮肤皱纹变紧,牙齿变白,双眼则更亮更有神了。。。
The Sunday Age commissioned an image of the Prime Minister in the style of a Vogue magazine cover to show the scope of the digital retoucher's magic. Skin tones were evened out, blemishes removed, eyebrows cleaned up, double chin removed and skin on the neck "tightened". Hair colour was balanced, teeth whitened, eyes opened wider and the area under the eyes cleaned up to remove tiredness.
