据2008年2月14日《澳洲人报》报道, 澳大利亚工党政府在向“被偷走的一代”原住民做出正式道歉之后承诺采取实际行动改善原住民生活条件。
联邦总理陆克文和反对党领袖Brendan Nelson联合主持一个新的跨党派委员会。该委员会的第一项任务就是向原住民提供住房。陆克文在向原住民正式道歉时公布了这项计划。他保证说,道歉不会停留在口头上,政府将会采取实际的行动。
- Housing and preschool education targeted
- Five-year targets set for bipartisan 'war cabinet'
The bipartisan "war cabinet", to be jointly chaired by Mr Rudd and the Opposition Leader to put indigenous welfare above party politics, will be first charged with designing a plan for remote Aboriginal housing within five years.
- Promised to give all Aboriginal children a full preschool education and first-class healthcare within five years.