

Top 20 growth suburbs

请参考12月15日墨尔本《先锋太阳报》(Herald Sun)周六版发表的下面这篇文章:

Soar points for new home buyers

截至2007年9月底,墨尔本一些象Malvern,Canterbury,Hawthorn East,Kew等蓝筹区域一年来的房价涨幅几乎翻番。相应的,一些middle ring甚至outer suburbs也因Inner ring房价急涨而被迫外移的家庭不断涌入而使得房市畅旺。整个大墨尔本地区,房产中间价位总体上升了13%,已经创出$431,000元的历史最高记录。

根据Housing Industry Association的统计,截止今年九月,墨尔本整体房价的上升令有房贷家庭的平均每月向银行的房贷偿付额达到$2529元,这对成千上万要买房的中等收入家庭造成很大影响,这些家庭甚至都要被排除在房产市场之外了
According to the Housing Industry Association, the boom took Melbourne's average monthly mortgage repayment to $2529 in September, essentially pricing out thousands of average-income families.

But Australians for Affordable Housing spokesman David Imber said average families had been priced out by too much to wait for the situation to correct itself.
