

Deputy PM Julia Gillard speaks to The Age's senior deputy editor Paul Ramadge in San Diego via the OziPortal.

2008年1月17日《The Age》报道, 一个连接澳洲和美国的超高速户宽带网络昨天在墨尔本大学开通,这条通向美国加州圣地亚哥大学的宽带(Calit2),连接速度高达每秒1000 megabits,是目前澳洲家庭普通宽带速度的250倍,比工党在去年大选前承诺建成的最低速度还要快83倍,这才是真正的宽带!

当被问及联邦政府是否有意升级澳洲的宽带系统以达到类似的连接速度时,副总理Julia Gillard表示将按照选前所承诺的计划升级宽带网络。
Asked later whether the Government would upgrade its proposed broadband system to allow this, the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, told reporters that Labor would build its network as proposed but that "we understand that technology will be moving forward and Senator Conroy will obviously take due notice of that".
