THEY are the coal girls happy hookers striking it rich in booming mining towns across the state.
Fly-in, fly-out "working girls" travelling from as far away as New Zealand to the resource-rich regions of Queensland and Western Australia are making as much money in one or two days as mine labourers earn in a week.
据2011年11月6日《周日信使报》报道,澳大利亚资源经济繁荣,西澳和昆士兰州一些 矿业小镇色情业发展蔓延,远至新西兰的妓女都有跨海过来揾钱。
一位新西兰性工作者Kristy(非真名)是一名单亲母亲,她飞来澳洲,每天凌晨4点开工,一直到晚上7点打烊,每小时收$250澳元,生意好的时候一天可赚近$2000澳元,三个星期后,她挣到$16,000澳元返回新西兰。 她有三名子女,最大的已经上大学。