据2008年1月5日《Brisbane Times》报道,最新发布的一项报告显示,在过去的10年里,昆士兰州平均房租上涨超过70%,并可能继续上升。
首府布里斯班更居全澳房租负担最重的城市,在刚刚过去的一年里,在距离布里斯班市中心5~20公里的中环区域(the middle suburbs of Brisbane ),一栋两居室House的每周房租中间价位飙升超过14%,与此同时,近城区两居室Unit的房租涨幅则低于6%。
What it'll cost you to live in:
The inner suburbs (up to 5km from CBD):
One bedroom unit: $265 a week, up 10.4%
Two bedroom unit: $370 a week, up 5.7%
Three bedroom house: $380 a week, up 11.8%
The middle suburbs (5-20km from CBD)
One bedroom unit: $195 a week, up 14.7%
Two bedroom unit: $275 a week, up 12.2%
Three bedroom house: $320 a week, up 14.3%
The outer suburbs (20km+ from CBD)
One bedroom unit: $165 a week, up 13.8%
Two bedroom unit: $210 a week, up 13.5%
Three bedroom house: $270 a week, up 14.9%
Source: REIQ figures for median weekly rents in the September 2007 quarter