The billboard was a clever idea to catch attention for the launch of their campaign "For the Love of Humanity" which is a Facebook application for friends to challenge themselves and do good deeds for society.
THE race is on to build Melbourne's first skyscraper since the Eureka Tower four years ago, with a Southbank developer lodging plans for a 66-storey building.
In a move that dramatically reshapes the immigration debate, the Federal Government has immediately suspended visa applications by asylum seekers from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.
中国已经承诺彻查每一个涉嫌向胡士泰及其他三名力拓员工行贿或者出卖商业机密的中国钢铁企业执行长。但是,力拓新加坡区执行长 Will Malaney 不太可能成为中国追查的目标。Malaney是去年与中国矿价谈判的力拓公司领导人。至少有19名中国钢铁企业执行长与力拓案有染,包括亿万富翁,前日照钢铁创始人杜双华。中国扩大调查范围表明,胡士泰等四名澳人被捕甚至被审并不是因力拓抛弃中铝而采取的政治报复。
澳洲零售业连锁巨头Woolworths(Safeway)4月1日宣布,从本月15日起,其下属连锁店包括Big W、BWS、Dan Murphys、 Dick Smith、Tandy、Woolworths Petrol 及 Thomas等将不再接受一般的划账借记卡(debit card)付款方式,所有划账付款交易都将通过销售点电子转帐系统(EFTPOS)进行,信用卡公司Visa对此表示不满。