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澳洲人口剧增 将面临长期住房短缺
据2008年6月13日《悉尼晨锋报》报道,房地产研究机构RP Data表示,澳洲正经历20年来最高的人口增长率(1.6%),去年澳洲人口新增了30万人,这是自1989年以来的最高增长幅度,澳洲将面临长期的住房短缺状况。每年的短缺住房将达3万套。澳洲人口迅速增长主要由两方面因素造成,一是移民迅速增加,此外人口生育率也在提高。
澳洲史上最大道路工程--墨尔本EastLink将于本月29日正式通车使用,首月全免通行费用。从7月27日星期天零点开始, EastLink将正式开始对通行车辆实施收费,每次最高收费$4.96元,一周最高近$50元,以后收费每年按照CPI上涨一次。详情请浏览EastLink中文网页。
- Account must be opened online before EastLink tolling starts.
- Spend $60 in EastLink tolls or fees within 120 days after EastLink tolling starts, and a $60 credit will be applied to your account.
- If you spend less than $60 within 120 days after EastLink tolling starts you will receive a credit equal to the actual amount spent.
WAITING GAME: Job seekers queue in Centrelink. The total number of jobs fell in May, the first monthly fall since October 2006.
The driveway in Woodstock Avenue, Mt Druitt, where the girl was attacked yesterday and, inset, a Comfit image of the serial rapist.
据2008年6月13日《每日电讯报》报道,昨天下午2点20分左右,在悉尼西区Mount Druitt的Woodstock Avenue,一名16岁少女被嫌犯从街上拽到一家driveway上,用刀威逼强暴。
June 10: A 17-year-old girl was waiting alone at a bus stop in Walters Road, Blacktown when she was approached by a man who asked for money, before threatening her with a knife. She pulled away from the offender as a bus approached.
June 2: A 17-year-old girl was sitting at a bus shelter on Green Road, Kellyville when she was approached by a man who produced a knife and threatened her, before she fled and boarded a passing bus.
May 29: A 16-year-old girl was walking along Pye Road, Quakers Hill, when she was approached by a man and threatened with a knife. The man forced the teenager to walk along Montrose Street, heading towards Highfield Road, before diverting into the driveway of a home. The girl was sexually assaulted and then robbed before the man ran from the scene.
May 27: A 16-year-old schoolgirl was passing a bus stop on Holbeche Road, Arndell Park, at 9.40am when she was approached by a man who threatened her with a knife and demanded personal property. The girl ran away and was uninjured.
April 18: A 19-year-old woman was waiting at a bus stop on Hill Road, Castle Hill, when she was threatened by a man at knife-point and indecently assaulted.
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