Shark attack ... Syb Mundy, top left, was in the water with his cousin Hannah Mighall when she was bitten. Top right, the surfboard, and bottom, Hannah arrives at hospital.
(Whispered) Let me be your hero Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Would you run and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me crying? Would you save my soul tonight?
Would you tremble if I touched your lips? Would you laugh? Oh, please tell me this... Now would you die for the one you love? Hold me in your arms tonight
I can be you hero, baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away
Would you swear, that you'll always be mine? Would you lie? Would you run and hide? Am I in to deep? Have I lost my mind? I don't care- you're here tonight
I just want to hold you (2x) Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? Well I don't care- you're here tonight
You can take my breath my breath away I can be your hero 她是出身菲律宾的模特依莎贝尔,嫁给拉丁情歌王子胡里奥,并生下西班牙情歌王子安立奎。依莎贝尔曾三次被西班牙Hola 杂志读者票选出西班牙最佳着装和最端庄雅致的女性。依莎贝尔被媒体形容是“魅力女王”,美国的INQUIRER称她是西班亚最佳着装、最富有魅力、最端庄 雅致、最漂亮、最高贵的女人。现在她已经57岁但宛若20岁少女。