据2008年11月9日澳洲新闻联社报道,轰动一时的悉尼Coogee Bay Hotel餐厅免费冰激凌含有人类排泄物事件在周五获得私下调解成功。据今天的周日《悉尼晨锋报》报道,事主Steve Whyte一家获得高达$195,000元的巨额赔偿,不过其友人坚称赔偿费在$60,000元左右。
今天出版的《周日电讯报》则指赔偿金额至少为$50,000元。该报称,事发后,餐厅本来提出赔偿$5000元“封口费”,而且不承担任何责任,但遭事主拒绝。事件被媒体曝光后,餐厅方面宣称事主曾以此勒索$100万元。事主对此强烈否认,并且扬言要在下周一正式上法庭控告餐厅诽谤。 Glad the ordeal is over … the Whyte family have been compensated and cleared by the Coogee Bay Hotel of any involvement in the contamination incident.
Six years since the blasts of two deadly bombs in a land overseas cut a scar into this nation's heart, three of the evil men who committed that slaughter have themselves been put to death.