AUSTRALIA'S immigration policy is set for an overhaul amid concerns that it is failing to meet the nation's long-term needs, with a record influx of more than 600,000 temporary residents adding to the strain of a growing population.
TWO anonymous letters naming relatives as the alleged killers of Sydney newsagent Min Lin and his family were written in nonsensical Chinese, a source close to the family says.
Happy family: Rachael and Jason Wong with their children (left to right) Robyn, Molly, Olivia, Riley, Tyler, Jasmine, Kai, Logan (being held by his father), Izabella and Cody
In this May 29, 2009 file photo, locals sit on a street side in downtown Wadeye in the Northern Territory of Australia. Australia breached international obligations on human and indigenous rights by imposing radical restrictions on Aborigines during a crackdown on child abuse in Outback communities, a United Nations expert said Thursday.
A MAN hid a $2 million winning Lotto ticket in a biscuit tin for six months before claiming the prize - because he wasn't ready to become a millionaire.
《纽约人报》特约撰稿人Malcolm Gladwell在长期的观察后得出理论,中国南部的人民数千年来一直在研究水稻生产,而这也帮助他们养成了一种极好的“有问题就解决”的工作习惯。田间水稻种植在中国文化中创造了一种辛勤劳作的传统,中国谚语鼓励民众只有一年工作360天才有希望致富,而学习则是学无止境,一天都不能荒废。 Brentwood Secondary College VCE high achievers Esther Wan, David Wang, Joanna Ho and Xi Chen Wang.
Wahroonga建筑工地两名中国外劳邢雷蒙(Raymond Xing,音译)和陈谷联(Gu Lian Chen,音译)投诉已为石膏板公司无偿工作了两个月。两人均已成家,家人只能靠微薄的积蓄生活。陈谷联两年前从河南来到澳洲,不会说英语。他说,“我没钱付房租,我们逐渐失去希望,这种情况真是难以想象。”刑雷蒙2001年从沈阳移居澳洲,他仅收到两周工资,还有五周未获得任何报酬。
建筑工会发言人周宇雷(Yu Lei Zhou,译名)表示,许多华工都遭到虐待。“他们很多不了解澳洲的法规,当我告诉他们如果生病,老板仍应继续支付工资时,他们都感到很不可思议。”