
维州再现家庭车祸悲剧 1岁男童自家车道上被父亲四驱车碾毙

A DEVASTATED father who ran over and killed his one-year-old baby boy in a tragic driveway accident has pleaded with other parents to be more careful.

据2011年2月16日《Herald Sun》报道,2月15日,维州再现家庭车祸惨剧,一名1岁男童先被撞倒然后再遭压碾身亡,而肇事车辆却是他家的四驱车,开车的也不是别人,正是他的父亲。
事发在墨尔本西北部的Hillside,早上8点15分左右,1岁大的男童小Dhiyan Gahir与要去上学的7岁哥哥道别,手中抱着的玩具却滚落到了爸爸的车下,于是跑过去捡玩具。



Things you can do to help prevent such a tragedy:注意事项 避免悲剧发生!
  • Always supervise your children whenever a vehicle is to be moved - hold their hands or hold them close to keep them safe.车辆启动时必须保证年幼子女在成年人的监管之下,并抓牢他们以保证安全。
  • If you're the only adult at home and need to move a vehicle, even only a small distance, place children securely in the vehicle with you while you move it.若家长独自开车,务必先将子女在车上坐好。
  • A driveway is actually a small road - discourage children from using it as a play area.车道也是道路,不要鼓励年幼子女把车道当做玩耍的地方。
  • Make access to the driveway from the house difficult for a child, possible using security doors, fencing or gates.使用安全门、围栏等让子女不容易进入车道。

