

While the cost of buying property in Sydney is most often cited as the reason immigrants are settling elsewhere, Mr Yap said his family's decision to settle in Melbourne was motivated by personal reasons rather than finance."Our lifestyle has been so city-oriented, and Sydney is city to us. Melbourne offered more relaxation while still providing some career," Mr Yap said. "We just fell in love with Melbourne."

据2010年4月28日本地媒体报道,对来自马来西亚的小俩口阿兰(Allan Yap)和珍妮卡(Jennica Low)来说,移居澳洲的过程中,最为艰难的是要决定究竟定居在墨尔本还是悉尼。


“悉尼和墨尔本我们都去了,但没去其他澳洲城市,最后我们更喜欢墨尔本。”阿兰说。他和妻子已经在墨市西区的Burnside Heights安了家。他们不是第一个受“南部引力”作用的移民家庭,也肯定不会是最后一个。Urban Taskforce执行长加迪尔(Aaron Gadiel)认为,墨尔本容纳人口的能力远比悉尼强多了。


法国人埃里克(Eric Bougeois)和英国妻子詹妮(Janet)与两个孩子也被墨尔本的生活氛围所吸引。“墨尔本的交通情况比悉尼要好,悉尼车辆太多了,交通系统都有限不堪重负了。墨尔本还是一个多元化的城市,拥有丰富的文化活动,任何时候你都有事可干。”当然,墨尔本的美食也是一大吸引力。“我是个法国人,我热爱美食和美酒!”埃里克说。
Frenchman Eric Bougeois, his English wife Janet and their two children were motivated by similar lifestyle factors when they chose to settle in Melbourne after Mr Bougeois made a brief work trip to Victoria in 2003.

"Melbourne was easier in terms of transport. In Sydney there's more traffic and it's a bit more stressful," he said last night from his home at Camberwell in the city's east.

"Melbourne is a very diversified city; there's a lot of culture, there's always something going on."

Mr Bougeois said Melbourne's rich dining culture clinched the deal for him. "I'm French - I love good wine and good food."

