
墨尔本Bentleigh East周六的一栋房产拍卖

Bentleigh East这栋三卧室砖瓦房屋主Ged和Nicola Everson本来希望能卖到$700,000元,结果起拍后现场鸦雀无声。眼看要流拍,最后只有唯一的一位买家举手出价$500,000元,而屋主的授 权拍卖保留底价是$630,000元,pass in后这位买家获得优先谈判的权利,进屋继续和屋主讨价还价,最终以$621,000元成交。

Bentleigh East是墨尔本相当好的一个区。上个月本地报纸《Herald Sun》曾连续报道和评估墨尔本的好区,最后评出墨尔本最宜居的城区就是位于东南区的Bentleigh East。

Designer Style - Inside & Out Auction Sat 25-Oct-08 1:30pm


Home to a landscape architect, this expertly renovated brick home is located just metres from the shopping strip in Melbourne's most liveable suburb. Inside, this 3 bedroom home is styled up with a striking stainless-steel appliance kitchen, an all-white bathroom (plus 2nd WC) and open-plan living with reverse-cycle air-conditioning and tall doors facing north to the garden. Outside, there's a drought-friendly feature front yard, rear decking stretching beyond a witty feature wall (inspired by iconic architecture) and showpiece rear gardens with a very practical focus - a ready-to-upgrade studio and front and rear garages - at rear even tall enough for a caravan, and with separate laneway access! More than enough room for an extension or possible redevelopment.

3 bedrooms, all-white bathroom, 2nd WC
north-facing living, st-steel app kitchen
rev-cyc air-con, architect-designed gardens
3-car garaging, metres to Bentleigh East strip

