
墨尔本会否效仿悉尼 让独立屋业主更容易加建第二处住宅?

据2013年2月21日《Herald Sun》报道,维州反对党规划事务发言人Brain Tee表示,为缓和住房危机,维州政府应放宽对独立屋业主在自家后院加建第二住宅的法律限制,使年轻人可以一边住在父母家里(后院第二住宅),一边积累首期款购买他们的第一套房产。

新州政府已经修订了建筑规划法,使独立屋的业主更容易在他们的房屋后院加建第二处住宅单位并把它出租,即俗称的“祖母房”(Granny Flats),以缓解悉尼的租房危机。


Young couples home in on backyard plan

Herald Sun    February 21, 2013

LIVING with mum and dad could get a whole lot easier under a plan to tackle the housing affordability crisis.

State Labor wants more backyard cottages for young couples to live in as they save for their own home. Planning spokesman Brian Tee said current laws made it onerous for families to put an extra dwelling — with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and laundry — on their property.

Mr Tee said Labor’s policy was to slash red tape and allow self-contained cottages to be built without a planning permit.

‘‘More than half of young people still live at home and often they are young couples who, because of the housing affordability crisis, live with their parents for years while saving to buy their own homes,’’ he said.

Adam and Stephanie Falconer live with Mr Falconer’s mother, Rosa, in Coburg.

He said the idea of independent living in the parental backyard was attractive: ‘‘It would benefit a lot of people.’’

Mr Tee said the policy was common sense and the Baillieu Government should consider it. ‘‘It will create jobs, reduce red tape and help young people get into a house.’’

The cottages would also be suitable for older or infirm relatives.

