


This means that as of 1 July 2011 the first home buyer of an established home with a value of under $600,000 will be entitled to a 20 per cent cut to stamp duty and the $7,000 First Home Buyer Grant.

* On a home that cost the buyer $450,000, the current stamp duty payable is $18,970. On 1 July that will drop to $15,176. In addition, the first home buyer will be entitled to the $7,000 grant.
* On a home that cost the buyer $565,000 the current stamp duty payable is $28,970. On 1 July that will drop to $23,176. In addition, the first home buyer will be entitled to the $7,000 grant.

Buyers of a new home in metropolitan Melbourne will retain an entitlement to the bonus worth $13,000 and those buying a new home in regional Victoria will retain their entitlement to a total of $20,500.

A promised new policy will see farmers aged under 35 exempt from stamp duty on the first $300,000 worth of agricultural land purchased. Depending on the final details, this could save them up to $11,370.

