
澳央行淡化对房产泡沫化的担忧 称澳房价并不高

RBA deputy governor Ric Battellino said today house prices in Australia, relative to income, were reasonable.

据2010年6月16日《Herald Sun》报道,澳央行副行长 Ric Battellino淡化对澳房产泡沫化的担忧,称澳房价相对于收入来说并不高,是合适的。
"People feel that house prices in Australia are quite high and that's quite often because the ratio of house prices to income that are published for Australia tend to focus mainly on prices in the cities, and they are quite elevated," Mr Battellino said in response to a question at a business function in Sydney.

"But, if you look across the whole country, the ratio of house prices to income is not that different from most other countries."

