

MELBOURNE'S angriest commuters have been revealed in a survey of our struggling train service.

据2010年6月22日《Herald Sun》报道,最新一份调查显示,墨尔本服务最差的火车线路大都集中在西区,相对而言,东区火车线路乘客满意度较好。

经常晚点、服务最差、车厢最拥挤的火车线路是西区Sydenham线 Footscray与Sunshine路段。

乘客最满意的火车线路是东区East Camberwell 与Ringwood路段以及Glen Waverley火车线。
Train travellers have ranked Metro lines in confidential surveys for the Department of Transport.

The research confirms passengers from the western suburbs are getting the worst service. Commuters on the Sydenham line between Footscray and Sunshine are fuming more than most.

During the morning peak, the train is virtually full after Sunshine, leaving no room for passengers at Tottenham, West Footscray and Middle Footscray.

Those in the eastern suburbs are generally more satisfied with their trains.

The happiest commuters are between East Camberwell and Ringwood, and on the Glen Waverley line.

