

Lorelle Trickett is put to the test at Waverley Cemetery in Sydney. She finds the two of three names within minutes.

这位60多岁的悉尼妇人名叫罗莉(Lorelle Trickett),是三个孩子的母亲,已从福利部官员的职位上退休。她声称自小就具有通灵能力,可以与死者的灵魂对话。

新州纽卡斯尔橄榄球队前队员Ryan Sainty在2009年6月失踪,罗莉通过第六感通灵能力告诉警方,Ryan的尸体在距离其Woy Woy家不远的Paddy's Channel中。今年三月份,据信是Ryan的遗骨在那里被发现。
The police dismissed Trickett when she told them that the body of former Newcastle Knights forward , missing since June 2009, was in Paddy's Channel, near his family's Woy Woy home.
Remains believed to be those of Sainty were found there in March.

罗莉之前从未去过悉尼的Waverley Cemetery,去之前记者也没有告知她要去哪个墓地。

抵达后,记者从16公顷50,000多座墓穴 80,000名死者中随机抽出3名死者的名字让她找到属于这三个名字的墓穴。罗莉所有的工具就是两根焊接棒作为探测魔杖。


So to this extraordinary experiment this week to test her abilities. Trickett has never been to Waverley Cemetery in Sydney before, she is not told her destination in advance.

The Daily Telegraph then gives her three names from the 80,000 people interred in 50,000 plots over 16ha.

Her tools are welding sticks, divining rods: "The rods are just conductors that help me. I feel electrified, my body is full of electricity." This 60-something retired welfare officer says she has had the gift of hearing the dead since childhood. She is not seeing those she is seeking in the cemetery but feeling their power.

"I feel an energy source coming from them, although they are dead and some of them long dead, I still feel the pull, this energy pull."

