
墨尔本东南Glen Waverley发生母亲伤害子女后自残事件

A SEVEN-year-old girl and her baby brother are in a stable condition after being slashed with a knife by their mother who also cut herself, police say.

The 43-year-old Oakleigh woman was taken to the Royal Melbourne hospital in a serious condition while her daughter and three-month-old son suffered serious injuries and went to the Royal Children's Hospital.

据2010年4月29日《Herald Sun》报道,今天下午三点,墨尔本东南区Glen Waverley,发生一名43岁的母亲伤害七岁的女儿及三个月大的男婴后自残事件,三人都被送院治疗,所幸都没有生命危险。


忧郁症患者寻求帮助请浏览 beyondblue.org.au,维州防止自杀热线:1300 651 251;生命热线:131 114

For assistance visit beyondblue.org.au, call Suicide Helpline Victoria on 1300 651 251, or Lifeline on 131 114.

