

15岁的“孤儿”林珺(Brenda Lin)真是坚强的女孩!


"Mum, where are you? Why did you leave?"

Schoolgirl Brenda Lin's questions hung in the heavily-scented air, heavier than a thousand hearts.

Too overcome to utter the words in person, she was speaking in a recorded video message at the funeral service for her family, brutally bashed to death at their Sydney home three weeks ago.

Brenda, dressed in black, sat demurely, hands clasped together, in front of five shiny caskets, all laden with flowers and surrounded by petals.

They contained the bodies of her Chinese-born father Min "Norman" Lin, 45, mother Yun Li "Lily" Lin, 43, brothers Han "Henry" Lin, 12, and Tian "Terry" Lin, nine, and her mother's sister Yun Bin "Irene" Yin, 39.

The orphaned 15-year-old, away on a school excursion when the attack took place, may never get answers to all of her questions.

For the brutal murders appear motiveless, despite being "targeted", and police are yet to unearth any weapon or suspects.

"Who am I going to share my secrets with?" Brenda asked in the recorded tribute to her mother.

"Who is going to fuss over me every single day?

"I miss your hugs, I miss your crazy fashion styles, but most of all I miss you.

"You were the one person who could guide me through life.

"I relied on your experience and knowledge.

"No one can take your place."

Brenda said the last time she saw her newsagent father was when he took her to Sydney airport for her school excursion to New Caledonia.

"I was thinking it's only for a week, I'll see you again real soon," she said in her video message.

"I never thought it would be the last time I saw you.

"You are a very important figure in my life.

"You will never be replaced.

"Now you have been taken away for ever.

"You did not even give me a chance to say a proper goodbye."

She remembered her brother Henry as the "person who taught me how to laugh".

"You always made me smile whenever I saw you," she said.

"I really don't think I can smile the way I did before."

Henry had promised to show her some of his magic tricks when she returned.

"You broke your promise," she said.

"You have never broken promises before."

To her youngest brother, Terry, she said: "I can still hear you singing Christmas carols even when it wasn't Christmas".

"The room feels so empty without you."

Brenda's grandparents could barely speak through their tears, but her grandmother Zhu Fengqin managed to say: "Where are all your smiling faces?"

"Lily would always bring a cake and candles on my birthday, but next year who will light the candles for me?

"Henry was our English teacher, and Terry loved my cooking, especially deep stewed pork.

"But your grandma just doesn't want to cook any more."

Her grandfather Lin Yangfei said he was "utterly devastated".

"Every night, I still lie in the special blanket my son bought me for my bad back.

"But I can't sleep. My grief-stricken heart won't let me."

