
汇丰持卡人也可在ST GEORGE和BANKSA自动提款机上免费提款了

从5月1号起,澳洲汇丰银行HSBC的持卡人可以在HSBC,WESTPAC,ST GEORGE和BANKSA四家银行的提款机上无限次免费取款了(之前只能是hsbc和westpac两家),这样相当于增加了50%的提款机数量,方便多了。

More good news for HSBC Cardholders

Since ATM Reform was introduced in March 2009, HSBC cardholders have been able to enjoy unlimited ATM transactions without incurring an ATM Operator Fee at over 1,800 HSBC or Westpac branded ATMs nationally.

For more information on these changes, please take a moment to read through our Frequently Asked Questions.

Effective 1 May 2009, we are delighted to advise that all HSBC cardholders can now enjoy unlimited ATM transactions without incurring an ATM Operator Fee at around 900 St.George* and BankSA branded ATMs nationally. That's almost 2,700 ATMs in total!

In addition, foreign ATM fees do not apply to Online Savings Accounts, HSBC Premier Cash Management Accounts and most other transactional accounts.

Plan ahead, minimise fees

Simple tips that will help HSBC cardholders to minimise their ATM fees:

* Use one of almost 2,700 HSBC or Westpac, St.George* and BankSA branded ATMs nationally.
* Plan ahead and limit your use of non HSBC and non Westpac, St George or BankSA branded ATMs
* Withdraw extra cash when you use EFTPOS
* Use HSBC Internet Banking (www.hsbc.com.au) or Phone Banking (Banking enquiries: 1300 308 008 or Credit Card enquiries: 132 152) to check your account balance.

