

Top tips for surviving unemployment (by setting up your own online business):
* Stay positive - use this free time to think about what you really want to do. This is a real opportunity to re-engineer your future and consider starting up your own business.

* Don't let lack of capital stop you - If you want to go it alone, don't be put off by thinking that you need lots of cash to set-up. There are ways you can get started online with little or no outlay.

* Identify something you are passionate about - you could make a living from it. If there's something you love, whether it's sport, food and wine or shoes, chances are you'll stick with to make it a success.

* Research, research, research - once you've identified your passion, you'll need to spend some time looking into whether it is a viable online business option. This can be a lengthy process, however on the Geekversity course, we teach students some clever shortcuts to online research, which will cut the time it takes to get you up-and-running

* Get a domain name and build your website - it doesn't matter what technology you use - just make sure it looks clean and provides plenty of original content. Set aside time every week to put new content on the site and other general maintenance. The Geekversity course will also help you to establish your own simple website

* Network - online and offline - building a solid foundation of contacts is essential for any new business. In the online world this extends to social networking sites; start a Twitter feed, a blog, build a Myspace and Facebook page. Spend time, getting familiar with these facilities and keep your accounts up-to-date. Make sure they're all linked to your company website.

* Generate traffic to your site - this is closely linked with the previous point. For success you need to direct as many people as you can to your site. Learn everything you can about search engine marketing and promote your site as much as you possibly can.

* Join an affiliate network - often overlooked by advertisers in favour of search engines, email and website syndication, affiliate networks turn visitors to your website into payment. You can earn commission for products which companies advertise on your site.

* Attend a Geekversity course near you - See below for details on Geekversity courses near you. You could be up-and-running with your own business after one weekend.

* Get an accountant - you could start making money right away, and once things take off get a professional to make sure you've got your financial housekeeping in order - taxes, superannuation etc...

