
金融危机来势汹汹 悉尼著名华裔设计师出售豪宅舒困

The designer, Lisa Ho, yesterday distanced herself from the financial troubles faced by her husband, Philip Smouha, who has listed his Southern Highlands farm and Waterloo business premises for sale as well as the couple's Bellevue Hill home, which has been on the market for $22 million since October.

据2009年3月12日《悉尼晨锋报》报道,悉尼著名华裔时装设计师何丽莎(Lisa Ho)和她的西人先生Philip Smouh正以$1700万澳元的价格求售一栋豪宅,目前已经与买家敲定售价,律师也已签署相关正式文件。

这栋豪宅是何丽莎夫妇在2002年以$1020万澳元从一名股票经纪人Rene Rivkin手中买下,去年10月,他们曾以$2000万澳元的价格挂牌出售该房产。

除了这幢豪宅以外,何丽莎夫妇拥有的Southern Highlands农场也准备上市出售,另外,Philip Smouh拥有的Waterloo布料厂也在拍卖。

