

Ho-ho-hold on a sec ... the Greens are urging people to invest their windfall

2008年12月8日《The Age》报道,从今天开始,澳洲200万家庭、400万养老年金领取者和一些低收入人士将收到联邦政府送出的“圣诞大礼”--发放一笔一次性的补助金,这是$100亿澳元刺激经济方案的一部分。


Who gets what - and when

  • Payments worth $1.8 billion start flowing to Victorian families, pensioners and carers from today.
  • More than 410,000 families who receive Family Tax Benefit A will receive $1000 for each eligible child. 810,000 children in all.
  • $1 billion will go to more than 725,000 Victorian age pensioners, carers and people with a disability.
  • Single pensioners will get $1400 and pensioner couples $2100.
  • Those who receive the carers allowance will also get $1000 for each eligible person cared for.

Most payments will be made in the next fortnight and will arrive in bank accounts automatically.

