

  1. Consider installing a monitored home security system.考虑安装家庭保安系统
  2. Cancel newspaper and other regular deliveries取消订阅的报纸和杂志等
  3. Make your home appear as someone in living in it. Dont's close your curtains in daytime- this shows the house maybe unoccupied. use automatic timer --Swithches to turn your lights on when it gets dark让房子看起来有人在住。不要全拉上窗帘;购买电灯自动开关计时器。
  4. Avoide dicussing holiday plans where strangers may hear details of your obsence.避免在陌生人能听到的地方讨论自己的度假计划。
  5. Cut the lawn before you go在出门前割掉草地。
  6. Lock up garden tools, ladder,etc, which could be used to entre your home锁上花园工具。
  7. Have your mail held at the post office or re-directed, or ask a neighbour to collect it.信件先暂存邮局或者让亲友邻居代收代清理。
  8. Consider leaving important documents and valueable items with family member or in a bank, or lock them in a safe重要文件和值钱物品锁进保险柜或存入银行保管箱。
  9. Give a neighbour or friend a contact address and phone number给邻居或好友自己的联络电话。
  10. Make sure your have locked alll outside doors and windows and , if you have a security system, make sure that it is set.出门前确认锁好门窗 或设置保安系统密码。

