
2008年12月13日《Herald Sun》报道,维州公共交通部长Lynne Kosky昨晚确认,今年的12月24日圣诞夜、12月25日圣诞节及12月31日新年除夕夜,大墨尔本地区所有公共交通将免费搭乘。

Public transport will once again be FREE this Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.

Christmas cheer will be all over Melbourne’s trains, trams and buses this Christmas Day. Enjoy the free ride and let public transport take you to your Christmas celebrations. All metropolitan train, tram and bus services are free, from the first until the last service. In regional areas, travel is free on all V/Line services all day. See Free travel on Christmas Day and New Year’s

Likewise, the best way to travel to Melbourne’s New Year’s Eve in the City celebrations is by public transport. There's no need to stress about traffic, finding a car park, organising a lift or designated driver, when so many trains, trams and buses will be available to get you to and from the celebrations. Travel on Melbourne’s public transport network will be free from 6pm on New Year’s Eve until the first normal scheduled service the next day.

If you’re travelling on V/Line, free travel will be offered on trains arriving at their destination after 6pm on New Years Eve and the first timetabled service on the morning of 1 January.

