



维州教育厅长John Lenders表示,维州是澳洲面积最小的省份之一,但其教育系统却是全国最有效率的。


Victoria had the highest year 12 completion rate and post compulsory participation rate of any state, record low class sizes and literacy and numeracy levels at or above the national average, the Education Minister, John Lenders, said today.

Mr Lenders said, “this year’s Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services 2007 was a ringing endorsement of the Bracks Government’s investment and management of Victoria’s education system.”

“Victoria’s education system is the nation’s most efficient and paying huge dividends in terms of delivering student success,” Mr Lenders said.

Victoria’s students are outperforming students in other States in key areas.

“Our class sizes for Prep to Year 2 have dropped below 21 students, the lowest on record.”

The Report shows we again have the highest completion rate for Year 12 or its equivalent.

Meanwhile, according to the latest data, Victoria performed above or at the national average in many areas, including literacy and numeracy in years 3, 5 and 7.

Mr Lenders said since coming to office, the Bracks Government had invested an additional $6.3 billion in education and training and employed an extra 7,300 teachers and staff in Victorian State schools.

Under 10-year Victorian Schools Plan the biggest school rebuilding project since World War II the State Government will rebuild or modernise all government schools.

In the next four years, we will spend $1.9 billion to rebuild or modernise about 500 schools, including upgrading tech wings, re-equipping science class rooms and building new schools in growth corridors.

This will increase the number of schools built or modernised under the Bracks Government to more than 900 by 2011.

Mr Lenders said the Report also found:

Post-compulsory participation rates ( 15-19 year olds ) in Victoria were well above the national average, 81.4 percent in 2005 compared with the Australian Average of 76.0 percent; and

Victorian had better secondary student to teacher ratio than many states.

Mr Lenders said it was well known it cost more to support schools in geographically large states which had more schools in remote and sparsely populated regions.

As one of the geographically smallest states in Australia, Victoria’s education system is one of the nation’s most efficient, Mr Lenders said.

We also have a large population and are therefore able to realise economies of scale in our highly populated compact state as well as a less centralised bureaucracy, meaning we spend less on bureaucracy.

