

2008年8月29日,悉尼西南区Green Valley附近的Sadlier区一名两岁小童在自家车道上入睡,他的叔叔开车出来没有注意到他,结果小童被轧伤。

Things you can do to help prevent such a tragedy:
  • Always supervise your children whenever a vehicle is to be moved - hold their hands or hold them close to keep them safe.
  • If you're the only adult at home and need to move a vehicle, even only a small distance, place children securely in the vehicle with you while you move it.
  • A driveway is actually a small road - discourage children from using it as a play area.
  • Make access to the driveway from the house difficult for a child, possible using security doors, fencing or gates.

