

2008年7月31日《Herald Sun》报道,在过去的财年里,大墨尔本地区人口增长了62,000人,超过澳洲任何一个城市的人口增幅,比悉尼人口增加数量多出了10,000人。

维州州长John Brumby在几天前表示,由于出现生育高峰和移民大幅增长,维州人口增长太快,已达到极限。交通运输和医疗卫生系统正承受巨大的压力,显示在人口增长方面需要谨慎。
Melbourne's population continues to boom. New figures show Melbourne added 62,000 people in 2006-07 - more than any city, and 10,000 more than Sydney.

Three of the city's municipalities were among the nation's top 10 growth areas, according to the Victorian Population Bulletin 2008. And growth in outer western suburbs like Werribee and Hoppers Crossing outstripped that in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

The state's top growth municipality was Wyndham, covering outer western suburbs such as Werribee and Hoppers Crossing, adding more than 7000 people in 2006-07.

Next was Casey, in the city's south-east growth corridor, which added about 6800 more people to areas such as Berwick and Cranbourne.

The Shire of Melton, which adjoins Wyndham, saw an influx of almost 5000 people.

