

Tenants have been hit by sharp rent rises in the past 12 months.

2008年7月24日《The Age》报道,The Australian Property Monitors (APM) 最新报告显示,过去一年,房贷上升、供需矛盾尖锐导致全澳房租飙升25%,几乎所有的州府城市房租涨幅都在两位数以上,其中墨尔本、珀斯和悉尼的房租升幅最大。一年来墨尔本房租平均上升17%、珀斯上升25%,悉尼房租平均上升11%,其中House房租上涨15%,达每周$420元,尤其是悉尼的Unit房租是全国各城市中最贵的。

Rent increases in the past year

Median Weekly Asking Rents: Houses

June 08 Annual rise

Sydney $420 15%
Melbourne $350 17%
Brisbane $350 13%
Adelaide $290 5%
Canberra $410 5%
Perth $350 17%
Darwin $450 15%
Hobart $285 6%

Median Weekly Asking Rents: Units

June 08 Annual rise
Sydney $400 11%
Melbourne $310 13%
Brisbane $300 3%
Adelaide $240 9%
Canberra $385 10%
Perth $350 25%
Darwin $350 9%
Hobart $235 7%

source:Australian Property Monitors

