

Houses going up at Point Cook, west of the city. Planners and architects say Melbourne's new estates and the houses on them are cheaply and poorly designed.

如今在墨尔本西部,象Point Cook这些新开放的居民住宅区新房林立,价格也便宜,距离市中心也不远,但是,地产开发商以利润为中心的“指导思想”造成这些新区的规划建设出现越来越多的问题。

墨尔本大报《The Age》2006年10月21日专文探讨了这种现象,并援引建筑设计规划专家的话表示,这些新区的房产规划设计廉宜而糟糕,对居住在那里的居民生活造成极大影响,并将无法 适应下一代人对生活品质的要求。

这种现象不仅仅发生在墨尔本西部的新开发住宅区,东南更偏远一些区如Narre Warren South等也同样存在这种问题
Houses going up at Point Cook, west of the city.Planners and architects say Melbourne's new estates and the houses on them are cheaply and poorly designed.Poor planning, indifferent design and cost-cutting in Melbourne's newest suburbs are condemning residents to a a life of misery,‘failing future generations'

■Blocks of land up to 1000 square metres, far bigger than residents needed or often wanted.

■Average house sizes of 253 square metres, up from 176 square metres 15 years ago, despite the average household size falling.

■Houses built too close together, leading to noise and privacy issues.

■Too little use of sustainable technology such as solar panels and greywater, and too much reliance on air-conditioning for cooling instead of siting a house properly and building eaves and verandas.

