

The driveway in Woodstock Avenue, Mt Druitt, where the girl was attacked yesterday and, inset, a Comfit image of the serial rapist.

2008年6月13日《每日电讯报》报道,昨天下午2点20分左右,在悉尼西区Mount Druitt的Woodstock Avenue,一名16岁少女被嫌犯从街上拽到一家driveway上,用刀威逼强暴。
June 10: A 17-year-old girl was waiting alone at a bus stop in Walters Road, Blacktown when she was approached by a man who asked for money, before threatening her with a knife. She pulled away from the offender as a bus approached.

June 2: A 17-year-old girl was sitting at a bus shelter on Green Road, Kellyville when she was approached by a man who produced a knife and threatened her, before she fled and boarded a passing bus.

May 29: A 16-year-old girl was walking along Pye Road, Quakers Hill, when she was approached by a man and threatened with a knife. The man forced the teenager to walk along Montrose Street, heading towards Highfield Road, before diverting into the driveway of a home. The girl was sexually assaulted and then robbed before the man ran from the scene.

May 27: A 16-year-old schoolgirl was passing a bus stop on Holbeche Road, Arndell Park, at 9.40am when she was approached by a man who threatened her with a knife and demanded personal property. The girl ran away and was uninjured.

April 18: A 19-year-old woman was waiting at a bus stop on Hill Road, Castle Hill, when she was threatened by a man at knife-point and indecently assaulted.

