不过,面包店女东主当时并不在现场,她指称83岁老太太当时带有种族攻击色彩地咒骂店员“'you are a dirty Jew'”的说法遭到老太太的强烈否认。她表示自己虽然出生在俄国,但却是犹太裔,如果真的象女店主所说的那样咒骂岂不是自己骂自己?
Ms Forovski has vehemently denied claims that she racially abused staff. Despite being born in Russia, she said she is Jewish and that it would be an insult to herself to use that kind of language.警方将调阅保安录像带继续调查此案,同时呼吁目击者给警方提供线索,以更好地找出事实真相。。。
Ms Weisner was not present in the shop at the time of the incident, saying she arrived 10 minutes later.