

2008年2月12日AAP报道,12日早上8点半,在悉尼西区Fairfield的Campbell Street,一名三岁女童被一辆从家居车道倒出来的四轮驱动汽车撞倒,头部受重伤,被送往Westmead儿童医院加护病房抢救。



Every year in Australia about 50 children are run over in the driveway of their family home.

The circumstances are always awful but perhaps most sadly, many of these deaths and injuries are caused by family members and could have been avoided.

However, there are a number of preventative measures that you can take to help ensure your child's safety.

Things you can do to help prevent such a tragedy:

  • Always supervise your children whenever a vehicle is to be moved - hold their hands or hold them close to keep them safe.
  • If you're the only adult at home and need to move a vehicle, even only a small distance, place children securely in the vehicle with you while you move it.
  • A driveway is actually a small road - discourage children from using it as a play area.
  • Make access to the driveway from the house difficult for a child, possible using security doors, fencing or gates.

