
澳洲央行尚未升息 NAB率先上调贷款利率

2008年1月4日《Herald Sun》报道,澳大利亚储备银行要等到2月初才恢复议息,澳洲国民银行NAB已在昨天宣布从1月4日起率先上调其浮动贷款利率0.12%,到8.69%,澳新银行ANZ和其它各大银行很可能跟进。

看来,美国次贷危机,国际拆借成本上升已让本地商业银行并不仅仅跟随央行起舞。尽管联邦政府财长Wayne Swan呼吁商业银行要考虑广大拥有房贷的澳洲人的负担,但私人金融机构把成本转嫁到贷款人身上是他们唯一会做的事情。
The rise prompted a plea from the federal Treasurer, Wayne Swan, for banks to consider the plight of families feeling financial strain. "While this rise in variable mortgage rates is a direct result of the US subprime crisis, I would urge Australian banks and other financial institutions to be very mindful of the significant financial pressures on families when making decisions on these matters."

