

Flinders Ranges, South Australia

昨天在一则2008年澳洲会有较大地震吗? 新闻中提到:

澳洲的地震热点地区包括从Tasmania到NSW北部东南沿海一线,南澳Flinders Ranges山脉以及西澳的西南角地带。
今天就传来另一则新闻: 南澳Flinders山脉地区发生里氏4.6级地震

12月27日凌晨2点左右,南澳Flinders Rangers地带发生里氏4.6级地震,目前还没有伤亡报道。。。

Earthquake shakes Flinders Ranges

Thursday Dec 27 13:04 AEDT

An earthquake measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale has been recorded in South Australia's Flinders Ranges.

There have been no reports of damage or injuries from the quake, recorded just after 2am (CDT) on Thursday.

Seismologist David Love, from Primary Industries and Resources SA, said the earthquake was likely to have been widely felt in an area near Craddock, south of Hawker, in the ranges.

